
Composing Higher Education Qualification Framework Bologna Süreci Koordinatörlüğü

Turkish citizens who started their secondary education abroad after 1 February 2013 who will have completed their entire high school education abroad. This includes students who have completed their whole secondary education in Turkish institutions established abroad by the Turkish Ministry of Education in a country other than TRNC. It was also agreed within the Commission and Working Group that this would facilitate life long learning at every level from primary to higher education including vocational education and lead to have a one single NQF in the future. Aim to determine students ideas about their education in Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 50 students whose notes are between 2,5-3,5 are included into the study. It's identified that 52% of the students are happy, 24% of them are partially happy about their education. Our students see themselves different form other schools' students in terms of in terms of comprehensive knowledge Education topic to take 70%